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La arquitectura románica de Andorra se caracteriza por la utilización de pizarra y por trabajar con la superposición de láminas de piedras. La mayoría de las construcciones son iglesias de pequeñas dimensiones y, sobre todo, destacan los campanarios lombardos de planta cuadrada con ventanas geminadas y arcos ciegos. Aparte de las edificaciones religiosas, también encontramos puentes y fuentes que acaban de completar el patrimonio del país. 


The most emblematic Architecture of Andorra

Andorra's romanesque architecture is characterized by the use of slate and by working with the overlapping of layers of stone. The majority of the constructions are small churches and, above all, the Lombard bell-towers of square plant with geminated windows and blind arches stand out. Apart from religious buildings, we also find bridges and fountains that have just completed the country's heritage.



The San Juan de Caselles Church is included in the Romanesque architecture style and dates from the end of the 12th century. The most significant element of this construction is the great bell tower, which is located at the top of a quadrangular tower and has three levels of windows. Due to its beauty and composition, the church is considered one of the most popular examples of Andorran heritage and religious activity. The church is located on the old Canillo road, today a national road, in France's direction.

La Iglesia San Juan de Caselles es de arquitectura románica i data de finales del siglo XII. El elemento más significativo de esta construcción es el gran campanario, que se sitúa a lo alto de una torre de planta cuadrangular y que presenta tres niveles de ventanales. Debido a su belleza y composición, la iglesia es considerada como uno de los ejemplos más populares del patrimonio y la actividad religiosa andorrana. La iglesia se encuentra en el antiguo camino de Canillo, hoy carretera nacional, en dirección a Francia. 
La iglesia de San Cristófol d'Anyós presenta una nave rectangular con un ábside semicircular. La construcción original data del siglo XII y a lo largo del tiempo ha ido integrando diferentes modificaciones. Se han hecho varias ampliaciones y se incluyó un pequeño campanario con cuatro ventanas y un tejado de cuatro vertientes. La iglesia se sitúa a lo alto de una colina, en Anyós (La Massana) y en su interior alberga un santo cena de estilo franco-gótico, así como un retablo dedicado al patrón de la iglesia. 

San Cristófol d'Anyós's church has a rectangular nave with a semicircular apse. The original construction dates back to the twelfth century and over time has been integrating different modifications. Several extensions have been made and a small bell tower with four windows and a four-sided roof was included. The church is located at the top of a hill, in Anyós (La Massana) and inside it houses a holy Franco-Gothic dinner, as well as an altarpiece dedicated to the church's patron.

San Serni de Canillo's church dates back to the Baroque era (17th-18th centuries) and keeps traces of an earlier Romanesque construction (12th century), such as the walls and the baptistery. The central nave and the bell tower (which is the tallest in Andorra) had to be built again in the early 17th century.


In 2009, during some improvement works, archaeological remains were discovered under the basement of the nave that are believed to be prior even to the twelfth century. They also found a series of burials ranging from the seventh to the eighteenth century. Because of those facts, it is estimated that the construction was renovated during different times. The church's interior also has a polychrome gothic carving of a 14th century crucifix and a Baroque altarpiece dedicated to Saint Serni, bishop of Toulouse.

La iglesia de San Serni de Canillo data de la época barroca (siglos XVII-XVIII) y conserva vestigios de una construcción románica anterior (siglo XII), como los muros y el baptisterio. La nave central y el campanario (que es el más alto de Andorra) se tuvieron que construir de nuevo a principios del siglo XVII.
La iglesia de Santa Coloma es de origen prerrománico y se construyó entre los siglos VIII y IX, por lo tanto es una de las más antiguas de Andorra. Durante el s. XII se realizaron algunas reformas y se añadió el campanario lombardo de planta circular y de cuatro pisos de altura que actualmente estiliza la planta principal. Uno de los mayores atractivos de la iglesia es el mural que se encuentra en su interior.

Santa Coloma's church is of pre-Romanesque origin and was built between the 8th and 9th centuries, therefore it is one of the oldest in Andorra. During the 12th century some reforms were made and the Lombard bell tower with a circular floor plan and four stories high, which currently stylizes the main floor, was added. One of the biggest attractions of the church is the mural that is inside. This has undergone several transformations and, despite everything, has ended up surviving the ravages of time. A few years after its placement, the mural paintings had to be sold, but in 2007, the Andorra's Government was able to recover all of the paintings and it was suggested to restore the head where the mural was originally located. However, the passing of the years and their effects made this impossible.


Because of the technological advances, a solution has been developed. Through a recreation called video mapping, the government has been able to restore the mural virtually. That way, the church once again enjoys all its splendor and citizens and visitors can contemplate the paintings in an innovative way and totally faithful to history. The video has a duration of six minutes and is accompanied by a play of lights and sounds. All of this means that the spectators can relive the sensations transmitted by the original frescoes.

San Esteve's church dates back to the 12th century and is located at the entrance of Andorra la Vella's old town. The original construction is from the Romanesque era and has been modified several times. Among its most prominent elements is the cover of the west, a work of the Catalan architect Josep Puig i Cadafalch. On top of that, an original polychrome beam is preserved and it crosses the apse of the church from side to side which, according to historians, was to hold a currently missing canopy. Inside there are also several baroque altarpieces and an 18th-century painting called Table of Souls.


The church can be accessed through the upper part of Meritxell's Avenue or from Prat de la Creu Street, taking the elevator that goes up to the town's Square.

La Iglesia de San Esteve data del siglo XII y se encuentra en la entrada del casco antiguo de Andorra la Vella. La construcción original es de la época del románico y ha sido modificada en varias ocasiones. Entre sus elementos más destacados se encuentra la portada de poniente, una obra del arquitecto catalán Josep Puig i Cadafalch. Además, se conserva una viga policromada original que atraviesa el ábside de la iglesia de lado a lado y que, según los historiadores, debía sostener un baldaquín actualmente desaparecido. En el interior también se conservan varios retablos barrocos y una pintura del siglo XVIII llamada Cuadro de las almas.
La Iglesia San Serni de Nagol se ubica en Sant Julià y es del año 1055. Se compone de una única nave rectangular de proporciones bastante reducidas. La planta principal contiene un ábside semicircular y una cubierta con cerchas de madera coronada con un campanario de doble ventanal. La iglesia fue construida con bloques de piedra muy irregulares. Ya entrando en la época moderna, se añadió el porche y el coro que actualmente completan la construcción románica. 


The San Serni de Nagol's Church is located in Sant Julià and was build in 1055. It consists of a single rectangular nave of fairly small proportions. The main floor contains a semicircular apse and a roof with wooden trusses topped with a double-glazed bell tower. The church was built with very irregular stone blocks. Already entering the modern era, the porch and the choir that currently complete the Romanesque construction were added.

The Shrine of Our Lady of Canolich is one of the three main sanctuaries of the Andorran valleys, along with Meritxell (Canillo) and San Antonio de la Grella (La Massana). The monument is located in Sant Julià de Lòria and the current building dates back to the 20th century, although we find references that point to its existence since medieval times. Inside we can find an 18th-century baroque altarpiece and ceramic murals, the work of the artist Sergi Mas. Guided visits are made during the summer months and we also have the option of making a visit with prior reservation between September and June from the Sant Julià's tourist office.

El Santuario de Nuestra Señora de Canolich es uno de los tres principales santuarios de los valles andorranos, junto con Meritxell (Canillo) y San Antonio de la Grella (La Massana). El monumento se encuentra en Sant Julià de Lòria y el edificio actual data del S. XX, aunque encontramos referencias que apuntan a su existencia desde la época medieval. En el interior podemos encontrar un retablo barroco del siglo XVIII y unos murales de cerámica, obra del artista Sergi Mas. Se realizan visitas guiadas los meses de verano y también tenemos la opción de hacer una visita con reserva previa los meses entre septiembre y junio desde la oficina de turismo de Sant Julià.
La Iglesia San Miguel de Engolasters es una de las más conocidas del Principado. Se ubica en Encamp y data del s. XII. La infraestructura representa la cumbre del arte románico en el país y dispone de un campanario de 17 metros de altura que sobresale entre toda la vegetación y el resto del templo. La iglesia también cuenta con un amplio patio que cada año acoge la celebración del día de San Miguel de Engolasters. Durante esta festividad se reparte moscatel y torta bendita a todos los asistentes y se celebran diferentes actividades populares, como el baile de sardanas y la ofrenda de flores.

The San Miguel de Engolasters' Church is one of the most known in the Principality. It is located in Encamp and dates back to the 12th century. The infrastructure represents the country's summit of Romanesque art and has a 17 meters high bell tower that stands out between all the vegetation and the rest of the temple. The church has also a large courtyard that hosts the celebration of San Miguel de Engolasters' day every year. During this holiday, muscatel and blessed cake are distributed to all attendees and different popular activities are celebrated, such as the dance of sardanas and the flower offering.


Santa Eulalia's church is located in Encamp and was built during the 9th century. In a very short time, the construction acquired the functions of parish church and currently still retains this denomination. It has a bell tower that, with its 23 meters high, is considered the tallest of the Romanesque-Lombard bell towers in the country. It is divided into three floors and presents geminated windows on its first two floors. The exception is on the third floor, the windows went from double to single during the 16th century in order to accommodate the bells. The cover of the bell tower is crowned with a wrought iron cross with a pumice stone foot.

La iglesia Santa Eulalia de Encamp se empezó a construir durante el siglo IX. En muy poco tiempo, la construcción fue adquiriendo las funciones de iglesia parroquial y actualmente aún conserva esta denominación. Dispone de un campanario que, con sus 23 metros de altura, es considerado como el mas alto de los campanarios románicos-lombards del país. Este está dividido en tres pisos y presenta ventanas geminadas a sus dos primeros pisos. La excepción se encuentra en el tercer piso, las ventanas pasaron de ser dobles a sencillas durante el siglo XVI con el fin de dar cabida a las campanas. La cubierta de el campanario se corona con una cruz de hierro forjado con pie de piedra pómez.
La Iglesia de Sant Corneli y Sant Cebrià data de la época medieval y fue remodelada considerablemente entre los siglos XVII y XIX. En su interior hay una talla románica de la Mare de Deu hecha de madera policromada. Dicha virgen tiene la peculiaridad de ser una de las más pequeñas de Andorra, ya que tan sólo mide 44 cm de altura. En el interior también hay cinco retablos barrocos (siglos XVII y XVIII), dedicados a Sant Corneli y Sant Cebrià. En referencia al exterior, se puede ver un comunidor de pequeñas dimensiones ubicado en la plaza, el cual se utilizaba para las ceremonias de protección contra tempestades.


Sant Corneli and Sant Cebrià's church dates back to the medieval times and was remodeled considerably between the 17th and 19th centuries. Inside there is a Romanesque carving of the Mare de Deu made of polychrome wood. This virgin has the peculiarity of being one of the smallest in Andorra, since it is only 44 cm high. Inside there are also five Baroque altarpieces (17th and 18th centuries), dedicated to Sant Corneli and Sant Cebrià. If we talk about the outside, you can see a small communion located on the square, which was used for storm protection ceremonies.


Sant Iscle and Santa Victoria's church is located in La Massana's Town Square. It is a heritage property registered in Andorra's Cultural Heritage and was built in the 17th century. Inside the church there are several baroque altarpieces. The principal shows the Virgin of the Angels and the two patron saints: Acisclus and Victoria. There are also two Chester wooden relics, a medieval candlestick and the baptismal pyre, dating back to the Romanesque era.

La iglesia de Sant Iscle y Santa Victoria se sitúa en la Plaza del Pueblo de La Massana. Es una propiedad patrimonial registrada en el Patrimonio Cultural de Andorra y fue construida en el siglo XVII. Dentro de la iglesia hay varios retablos barrocos. El principal muestra a la Virgen de los Ángeles y los dos santos patrones: Acisclus y Victoria. También hay dos reliquias de madera Chester, un candelabro medieval y la pira bautismal, que data de la época románica. 
San Julián y San Germán es la iglesia parroquial de Sant Julià de Lòria. Aquetsa construcción ha sido declarada Bien de interés cultural y es de origen románico. La estructura conserva un campanario de estilo lombardo, un ábside y una nave que fue derribada y reconstruida en el siglo XX siguiendo el estilo de la arquitectura de granito. El campanario se sitúa al norte del edificio. Es de planta cuadrada con una cubierta a cuatro aguas de losas de pizarra. Sus muros son de bloques de piedra de tamaños regulares y están unidades con mortero de cal. La torre es de tres pisos que sobresalen de la cubierta, con ventanas geminadas en cada piso y coronadas por arcos de medio punto adintelados.

Sant Julià and Sant Germà is the parish church of Sant Julià de Lòria. That construction has been declared a place of cultural interest and its origins are Romanesque. The structure retains a Lombard-style bell tower, an apse and a nave that was demolished and rebuilt in the twentieth century based on the style of granite architecture. The bell tower is located north of the building. It is square in plan with a four-sided slate roof covering. Its walls are made of stone blocks of regular sizes and are united with lime mortar. The tower is three stories high and protrudes from the roof, with windows geminated on each floor and crowned by arches dotted semicircular.

This neo-Romanesque church was built in 1956 and has a bell tower. The structure is made of granite stone and on its facade you can see some serigraphs of the Beatitudes of the sculptor Sergi Mas. And under the porch, several ceramics of the same author are shown. You will also find an immaculate and Pieta, works by sculptor Josep Viladomat. The church is located on Carlemany Avenue, one of the main areas of the parish of Escaldes-Engordany.

Esta iglesia, de estilo neorrománico, fue construida en 1956 y cuenta con un campanario de torre. La estructura es de piedra tallada de granito y en su fachada se puede contemplar algunas serigrafías de las Bienaventuranzas del escultor Sergi Mas. Y debajo del soportal, se muestran varias cerámicas del mismo autor. Asimismo encontrarás una inmaculada y la Piedad, obras del escultor Josep Viladomat. La iglesia se ubica en la Avenida Carlemany, una las zonas principales de la parroquia de Escaldes-Engordany.

Other Romanesque churches

San Miquel
of Prats

This church presents an entrance opening with a single arch specimen.

Chapel of la Vall d'Incles

It is a small chapel that is located in the Incles Valley.

It is one Andorra's newest churches, its construction does not reach the century.

San Romà
of Vila

It is a simple church located in Encamp.

San Antoni 
of la Grella

It is a chapel located in a gorge, on a road that linked La Massana and Escaldes.

Capilla of

la Casa Rossell

It is a small baroque building located opposite the Rossell House.

San Ermengol

of Aldosa

It has a quadrangular apse and a two-sided roof over wooden trusses.

San Romà

of Erts

It is very small, formed by a single rectangular nave.

Capilla of 

San Andreu

It dates back to 12th century and consists of a single nave and a semicircular apse.

San Esteve of


The plant is rectangular, without apse, and with gable roof.

San Esteve

of Mas d'Alins

It is a patrimonial property registered in Andorra's Cultural Heritage.

San Romà 

of Vilars

It is one of the three pre-Romanesque churches of the Andorran valleys.

Much more...

Besides the churches and religious constructions, Andorra's heritage also consists of different bridges, fountains and places of interest that collect the best of Romanesque art.

A parte de las iglesias y construcciones religiosas, el patrimonio de Andorra también se nutre de diferentes puentes, fuentes y plazas de interés que recogen lo mejor del arte románico.
A parte de las iglesias y construcciones religiosas, el patrimonio de Andorra también se nutre de diferentes puentes, fuentes y plazas de interés que recogen lo mejor del arte románico.
A parte de las iglesias y construcciones religiosas, el patrimonio de Andorra también se nutre de diferentes puentes, fuentes y plazas de interés que recogen lo mejor del arte románico.


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