When the owner has decided that his vehicle has reached the end of its useful life, he is obligated to dispose of it properly. That is why it is essential that you make sure that your vehicle ends up in a center where they guarantee its correct recycling, and where the recoverable resources can be optimized to the maximum.
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Recover and Rethink is essential to reduce pollution of the planet. That is why Grup REFESA has LSR Logística i Serveis del Reciclatge in its plants in Sant Julià de Lòria and REFESA Recuperacions Fèrriques in Andorra la Vella. In these plants you can find its decontamination center for Vehicle waste at the End of its Useful Life (VFU) that allows the extraction of all fluids and hazardous waste before pressing the vehicle and transforming it for its final destination, where scrap metal will be put to a new use and dangerous by-products that cannot have a second useful life will be safely disposed of. In addition, they have the authorization to treat vehicle waste, so they can issue the scrapping certificate necessary to carry out the final removal from the Andorra Government Procedures service.
And it is that, although it may not seem like it when it is still running, a car can have toxic and very dangerous residues, not only for human beings but also for the environment. Therefore, it is essential that the latter are treated by professionals who ensure their correct treatment in order to avoid any type of contamination or damage.
What is a end-of-life vehicle or VFU?
The acronym VFU corresponds to Vehicle Out of Use, and we can call it that when the useful life of the vehicle comes to an end. This is considered waste when the vehicle is already physically in the waste management center and the corresponding decontamination and scrapping treatment certificate has been issued in order to subsequently proceed with its final removal.
How is an end-of-life vehicle recycled?
The vehicle arrives at one of the REFESA Group plants by its own means or is transported by crane or in a suitable vehicle to start the treatment process. This consists of removing hazardous waste from the vehicle such as batteries, oil, fuel or air conditioning gases.
After initial decontamination, the vehicle is scrapped. In some cases, the components of the vehicle that can be reused as second-hand parts are separated to promote sustainability. They have 2,500 used spare parts in stock, and if they don't have what you're looking for, they help you find it. Thus, with the purchase of second-hand parts we will save money without losing quality, since they are original parts such as rear-view mirrors, headlights, doors, wheels or engine parts at very advantageous prices. In addition, by using second-hand parts, harmful emissions generated at the time of collecting raw materials are avoided, significant energy savings are produced, making it a more environmentally friendly practice.
Once decontaminated and scrapped, what remains of the vehicle is pressed for recovery as scrap, where it will once again be converted into iron and metal for new utensils, this being a clear example of circular economy.
What are the steps to follow to deregister a vehicle in Andorra?
1 | The owner of the vehicle together with the yellow card must take the vehicle to an authorized waste manager. |
2 | The operators of the waste management center proceed to decontaminate the vehicle, and remove the license plates and the chassis number. |
3 | The waste manager issues the scrapping certificate for the vehicle. |
4 | The owner must deliver the license plates to the Automòbil Club d'Andorra. |
5 | All documentation must be delivered to the Andorran Government Procedures service: Yellow card (*) Scrapping certificate + chassis + Andorra Automobile Club Certificate. |
(*) In the case of a reservation of title RD, you must submit the cancellation receipt.
However, it must not be forgotten that any recycling process is only possible if the objects have been designed to be recycled. It is what we know as ecodesign, and is responsible for redesigning objects to make them more sustainable by introducing the environmental aspect in the industrial process. Many vehicle manufacturers are already working to also incorporate the circular economy into their new designs by reducing or avoiding some materials and recycling or recovering end-of-life materials.
With 100% local capital, Grup REFESA is made up of two leading companies in waste management and the circular economy: LSR (Logística i Serveis del Reciclatge) and REFESA (Recuperacions Fèrriques). Thanks to the improvement of technologies and the increasingly strong demands of society, and with the desire to be increasingly respectful of the environment, we have integrated different business lines. In addition to the management of end-of-life vehicles, the group offers comprehensive waste management services, WEEE treatment, purchase of iron and metals, construction waste, hazardous waste, destruction of confidential material, treatment of cosmetics and inappropriate materials. for consumption and purchase and sale of spare parts. The company is betting in a very significant way on the recycling of WEEE's, currently being the only one in the country with the authorization to treat this type of waste. It is in charge of its disassembly and carries out the corresponding decontamination so that the different components can be reused, thus contributing to the circular economy and giving them a new life. The group is made up of a qualified team with years of experience in the sector, personnel with ADR hazardous materials cards for the transport of waste and, in addition, they carry out specific continuous training on occupational hazards, fire prevention and extinction and as a counselor. of security.
Grup REFESA is betting on the renewal of its fleet and machinery which has advanced technology, low energy efficiency, improved safety, reduction of emissions and less maintenance, which represents an investment in efficiency, safety and sustainability, which benefits both the company, the customer and the environment.